Friday, February 18, 2011

John and Stewart Interview

After watching the interview, I found it fustrating that Stewart kept interrupting John when he tried to give an explanation to Stewart's confusion. The over all questions that Stewart was asking Yoo, seemed to be immature and lack of research. It revolved around the same topic that would have been explained if he would only let Yoo get them out. I personally think Stewart made a fool out of himself. His questions that should have been open ended, he ended up closing them out early before Yoo could get his point across. Stewart gave the notion that he never could wrap his head around the idea of what Yoo was saying almost trying to make a fool out of the lawyer, but I could see where it backfired. I got the feel that Stewart was a little unprepared for the topic Yoo was brought on the show for. In efforts to make it funny, I feel like he failed miserably.
If read the article before and after I watched the interview, and before watching the interview, I got the idea that Yoo was going to be entirely boring and be one of those politicians that is easily made a fool of when screwing up when trying to answer a question. In my opinion, the journalist's assertions were making Stewart's interview with Yoo out to be not entertaining. It did make me want to watch it and see how if Yoo's statements given in the article were supported by his answers in the video. I can see the journalists's attempt to try and attract it's readers to want to watch the interview to see "another politician (or someone in goverment) make a fool out of themselves", but like I said it was very vise versa after watching it.

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