After watching the videos of the interview of Mr. Yoo by Jon Stewart I started to feel Stewart's frustration. I thought he was very easy going at first by asking Yoo if he was a good lawyer. This to me was a great ice-breaker. He also asked him how high up in the white house he was and got an interestingly long response. Stewart had a great follow up questions to get full understanding of what Yoo was trying to say. The look on Stewart's face after hearing that Yoo had never actually met the president was priceless. Stewart's questions about the presidents power were great because he really made Yoo draw him a picture. Towards the end of the interview Stewart's question's got a lot tougher. For example," Did President Bush in your mind use his power in terms of fighting the war effectively?".
I think that the author of the article Chris Beam made some very good points. Maybe Jon Stewart did not do his research before the interview and that would be why he did not understand completely what Yoo's points were. I will say that Stewart did make Yoo fumble his words a couple times during the interview and even stump him once or twice.
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